Sermons on Neighboring
Stranger or neighbor
How do we recognize that everyone in our community is our neighbor? Everyone deserves our love. Everyone receives God’s love.
The Golden Rule
The key to being holy and perfect in God’s eyes is to love. We are holy because we are in relationship with God.
Who is our neighbor?
Reflections on being a neighbor.
“Let the little children come to me”
Pastor Mindy’s message for World Communion Sunday, how are we being a neighbor to those in our community and around the world.
“Go and do likewise.”
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on the story of “the good Samaritan.” Who is our neighbor? Everyone, even those who don’t look or act or think or believe like us.
The Art of Neighboring – Following a Shepherd of Love
Good Shepherd Sunday.

The Art of Neighboring – Overcoming Barriers
The story of Mary and Martha.
The Art of Neighboring
‘But the man wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”‘ – Luke 10:29