Sermons on Thanksgiving
Now Thank We All Our God
God is in charge and wants us to join in God’s work.
Return to the Source
We don’t always appreciate what we have. Not everyone has access to there basic needs. We need to remember to give thanks for all our blessings.
Reflect on God’s Presence
We find ourselves searching for God’s promised redemption and hope. God’s grace never stopped flowing, God is always with us and God is not done with us yet.
Happy Thanks-Living
During this difficult time, we can’t just “give thanks”, we need to “live thanks.”
Welcoming a Spirit of Thanksgiving
Remembering the true meaning of Thanksgiving
Stewardship Sunday 2018
“What difference might it make if we entertain the conviction that life is not something we achieve, but rather something we receive as a gift from God?” Everything around us is a gift from God.
“I am the Bread of Life”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 20 Nov, what must we do to perform the works of God in the world?
Reflections on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Sunday with thoughts from 3 members, plus Pastor Mindy’s sermon.
“Family, freedom, faith, and the Father”
Youth Sunday 2014, reflections on Thanksgiving by Kate and Jonah Pearce.
Thanksgiving Begins with God’s Good News
This week in history has seen many momentous events, what are you thankful for? Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 24 Nov.