Sermons on Love
With All Your Heart, Love
If we don’t transform hate, we will transmit it. Human beings are not the enemy. The enemy is the violence and injustice inside us all.
Who has shown you love?
There are those right in front of you who have shown God’s love without condition. Have you experienced it? The little things can make all the difference.
The Greatest of These is Love
The church is not patient or kind, but we need to strive to be. We are not defined by any one thing. We need to find ways to connect. Love changes everything. Love changes us.
The Greatest Commandment
Because we love God with all of our heart, soul, and might, God will help us overcome obstacles. How do we love God, right now?
A Third Way
Witness the humanity even in those who make our lives difficult.
No Turning Back
Following Jesus can be hard, it involves public acts of love. Christ calls us to love our neighbor. Christ is the Afghan refugee and the person who voted the other way in the last election.
Sacred Potential
How do we live God’s love in Lancaster, in Ohio, in the US, in the world?
… Even Them
God loves us so much, we must share it with others, even those who are different. We must stand up for those who are marginalized.
Limitless Love
“For God so loved the world…” God loves us so we can spread God’s love to the rest of the world.
In the Wilderness, Again & Again
Even when we are tempted or feel alone, God never leaves us.