Sermons on Hospitality
We Can’t Look Away
God calls us to welcome the immigrant, the refugee. Jesus was an undocumented refugee as a child. We cannot look away.
Christ is with us
Christ is among us, how can we share God’s love with others?
Mary and Martha
Finding the balance between hospitality and listening to the Word of God. We need space for both Mary and Martha.
“Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing may be lost.”
Out of abundance, all were fed. Not just with food, but also with words of love and hope.
The Road to Emmaus
Nicole Pickens reflects on hospitality and welcoming.
Signature Moments
On the next-to-last Sunday of our yearlong celebration of 200 years of Grace UCC in Lancaster, OH, we had the privilege of hearing from our two living former called pastors. The second of those was Rev. Bob Tussing, he was pastor of Grace UCC from 1987-2006. Here is Rev. Tussing’s message for the 200th Anniversary of Grace UCC.
“you are worried and distracted by many things”
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on Mary and Martha, being open to which role you need to play at any given time. When do we listen and when do we act?
Pastor Mindy’s reflections on radical hospitality and our German heritage
“Don’t make me leave you”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 8 Nov on covenant, kindness, compassion, and unconditional love.
“no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 31 May on curiosity and transformation and radical hospitality. The poem: God loving, caring healing, forgiving, blessing, providing Thank You Healer, Father Grace UCC
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