Sermons on Matthew
We Can’t Look Away
God calls us to welcome the immigrant, the refugee. Jesus was an undocumented refugee as a child. We cannot look away.
There will be Herods
There will be those who try to block shalom. God’s love cannot be stopped, it gets through the cracks. Will we be faithful?
A Reflection on the First Nowell
God will lead us to the Good News that is shalom on earth.
The Lord’s Supper
When you eat meals together you are with others. Jesus is with Judas, with Peter, with us. Let us join together and form a more loving world.
How Many Times Should We Forgive?
Conflict is normal, how we deal with it is the important part. If we confront and reconcile the issue, it can be resolved, otherwise it festers and poisons our relationships. Forgiveness and hard and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but it is how we restore community.
On the Journey
When the pain is real, it is hard to hear the promise. Suffering and pain are part of the journey, but if we stay, we will reach Easter.
There Has To Be A Better Way
What would happen if we designed the system with the last as first? Why is there a difference between fairness and justice? God leans toward justice.
The Greatest Commandment
Because we love God with all of our heart, soul, and might, God will help us overcome obstacles. How do we love God, right now?
Walking on Water
Jesus is there for us during stormy weather if we will only believe.
Giving Out Cold Water to Little Ones
Small acts of grace or kindness are important. The smallest act of kindness makes you an apprentice to Jesus.