Sermons on Mark
It’s No Small Thing
God wants everyone to have what they need. No bullying. No intimidation.
Are We Hypocrites?
Do we want to help others or are we unwilling to build relationships? Jesus invites us to walk a new walk.
Caged Birds
Jesus crossed boundaries to restore us to our whole selves.
When the Front Door is Blocked
Persistence and faith can only take us so far. Sometimes, we need someone to carry us.
Pick Me
God chooses us and wants us for who we truly are. Once we realize that, we choose to be with God, too. That means loving who God loves.
The real story is how the resurrected carpenter affected the lives of those who followed him. Easter is always happening, Jesus is still changing peoples lives.
When We Get Together… God is with Us
Fear can cause the message of God’s Love and Peace to be lost. Yet, God is with us, so we do not need to be afraid. God loves us.
Stay Calm and Pray on
God is ready to bring us into a new world that we have yet to make sense of.
Let Me See
Our job is to stand in for Jesus. Jesus wants to help others (even those we don’t like).
God is more than we can comprehend, but we still matter to God. We need to let go of control.