Sermons by Rev. Phil Hart
Expect the Unexpected, part 2
“Pause and think about all the people who have come into our lives, and brushed up against us, and become part of our lives.”
From the mouth of babes
Be open and okay with the idea that God can use you. When we’re ready God will speak.
It’s okay for them to ask what is happening here.
God invites us to take a journey. We’re glad you are here, on the journey with us. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
MacGuffins and Foreshadowing
“Someday it will be as Christ set forth for us” until that time we do what we can to make the world a better place. We won’t settle for how the world is, we want the world that Christ promised.
A New Old Commandment
What does it mean to love each other as Jesus loved us? We’re all the friends of Jesus.
That Voice Sounds Familiar
“The thing about sheep is they only do well with people they trust.” Are we willing to be a safe place to seek Christ?
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal
Our past can inform, but it shouldn’t direct our future. Jesus gave us the power and the permission to go forward.
Sticking Around
We are part of a community drawn together by the presence and love of God. Let us be the beloved community.
The First Easter Mornings
Those moments in church when you experience God are also available outside the church building. There isn’t just one way to experience God. We each have opportunities to find gifts from God every day.