Sermons on Lent
“He was in the wilderness forty days”
Our hearts are shattered by the events in Parkland, FL. “How long will we be silent as children die?”
Cleaning out our closets
Lent is the time for us to clean out the closets of our lives.

“breathe deep the breath of God”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 5 March. We must confront our own demons and breathe deep the breath of God. For copyright reasons, the videos were cut from the audio, they can be seen below. This is the video from the beginning of sermon. And this is the video from later in the sermon
Ash Wednesday
Pastor Mindy’s message for Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey
Ash Wednesday
Pastor Mindy’s Ash Wednesday sermon. What is the purpose of Lent? How is God speaking to your heart?