Sermons by Rev. Vanessa Myers-Dudley
Pentecost 2020
We are all in this together, justice for one is justice for all.
Worship – 24 May 2020
Even though we’re torn between the realities of the past and the possibilities of the future, God is still present. Jesus is still present.
Online Worship – 26 Apr 2020
Doubt or disbelief?
Earth Day 2020
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day
Even in this time of fear, God is with us. Christ is Risen!
Palm Sunday 2020
Which parade are we following?

Online worship – 15 Mar 2020
Here is the Facebook live video that Pastor Vanessa shared on Sunday, 15 March.

May we each do what is right for the good of all. Inspire those in power to take action that will result in justice for all people.