Sermons on Faith
When the Front Door is Blocked
Persistence and faith can only take us so far. Sometimes, we need someone to carry us.
Wrestling with faith
God’s promises hold true even when it is stressful and challenging. Reaction wood is stronger. Stress makes our faith stronger, too.
What happens when enough is not enough?
Walking on Water
Jesus is there for us during stormy weather if we will only believe.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Out of the Shallow End
We are not always in control. We cannot always stay in the shallow end, but we trade that for a deeper relationship with God.
Like a Weed
Let us spread the Good News everywhere.
Keeping the Faith
God can do amazing things. New things. God’s Spirit is in us.
They Stood Firm
… you have the strength to not only survive, but thrive. We are never alone.
Risky Business
The real risk is not to try at all.