"love" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)
The Lord’s Supper
When you eat meals together you are with others. Jesus is with Judas, with Peter, with us. Let us join together and form a more loving world.
Who has shown you love?
There are those right in front of you who have shown God’s love without condition. Have you experienced it? The little things can make all the difference.
The Greatest of These is Love
The church is not patient or kind, but we need to strive to be. We are not defined by any one thing. We need to find ways to connect. Love changes everything. Love changes us.
Caged Birds
Jesus crossed boundaries to restore us to our whole selves.
Pick Me
God chooses us and wants us for who we truly are. Once we realize that, we choose to be with God, too. That means loving who God loves.
We Must Walk It
God wants us to focus on the truth, love. God became human to show us how to do that. Make room for others.
How does a Weary World Rejoice: We Sing!
The act of singing lessens anxiety. We sing together and feel the Holy Spirit move among us.
What is the World Coming to?
The movement of the Spirit sometimes seems to be at a standstill. Is God stuck in traffic? Yet, the small blessings go unnoticed. In the colors of the leaves or the love of our family and friends, God does the unexpected.
The Greatest Commandment
Because we love God with all of our heart, soul, and might, God will help us overcome obstacles. How do we love God, right now?
Go Public Now
God’s call isn’t easy. We are called to speak out about injustice.