Sermons (Page 38)
“Peace be with you”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 3 Apr. Poor Thomas, one moment of doubt and he is branded for all time. Note, due to copyright restrictions, the Brian Sirchio video has been cut from the audio. You can find it here.
“He is Risen!”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Easter Sunday. Christ is Risen!
Camp Sunday
Jeff and Pastor Mindy share thoughts, songs, and memories of how God breaks through to us at camp. Remember, the Endowment will pay 50% of the cost of camp for members (and their families).
“he was lost and has been found”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 6 March, the story of the Prodigal Son. Are we the kind of church that would throw a birthday party for prostitutes? We should be.
“Are you bearing fruit or are you just taking up space?”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 28 Feb on turning the soil, changing, turning our minds and our lives around.
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 21 Feb on overcoming challenges and obstacles on our journey. The Tracy Chapman video can be found here.
“and (he) was led by the Spirit in the wilderness”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for the first Sunday in Lent. We are on a journey, each one of ours is diferent, seeking the heart of God.
Ash Wednesday
Pastor Mindy’s Ash Wednesday sermon. What is the purpose of Lent? How is God speaking to your heart?
“the disciples were weighed down with sleep”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Transfiguration Sunday, transfiguration into what God is calling us to be
“But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 31 Jan, reminding us we’re called to reach beyond ourselves and show God’s love to everyone