Sermons (Page 40)
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for All Saints Day on the saints of our lives.
Take Heart
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Reformation Sunday as we kick off our year-long celebration of our 200th anniversary. What is God calling us to do? We can’t live in the past or stay in the present, we must look to the future.
“and the last shall be first”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 18 Oct on leadership and service.
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 11 Oct, on getting rid of the stuff that is keeping us from God.
Faith Promises
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for World Communion Sunday on giving to God out of the abundance that God has given to us.
“Room at the Table”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 27 Sep on being welcoming and identity. The video of Carrie Newcomer’s song “A Place at the Table” can be found here. It was played just after the dialog about 1:25 into the sermon.
On A Journey
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 13 Sep on this journey we are on to follow Jesus. For copyright reasons, the song has been deleted from the audio, but you can find the video here.
“Even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 6 Sep asking the question who have we overlooked? When we are challenged, are we changed?
“But be doers of the word”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 30 Aug, on how our actions speak louder than words. What we do, matters. The video shown during the sermon can be found at
“How lovely is your dwelling place”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 23 Aug, reflecting on Psalm 84 and reminding us that God is always with us. For copyright reasons, the audio from the video has been cut from the beginning of the sermon. You can find the video at