Sermons (Page 36)
Commitment, Sacrifice, and Generosity
Jeff Davis’ sermon on what it takes and what it means to follow Jesus
“For all who exalt themselves will be humbled”
Pastor Mindy’s message of humility and giving without expecting anything in return
“Woman, you are set free from your ailment”
Nicole Pickens’ message from 21 Aug of love, grace, and the Olympic spirit.
“Their lives of faith are not complete apart from ours”
Joyce Oyler’s message of faith – past, present, and future.
“Faith is … the conviction of things not seen”
After a couple of week’s in which we had no sermon audio due to computer issues, we’re back now with Pastor Mindy’s message from 7 Aug on faith.
From Grace to Grace!
Unfortunately, due to the issues with the computer, we don’t have audio of Rev. Jim Cunningham’s sermon from 24 July, but he has graciously provided us with an approximate text.
“you are worried and distracted by many things”
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on Mary and Martha, being open to which role you need to play at any given time. When do we listen and when do we act?
“Go and do likewise.”
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on the story of “the good Samaritan.” Who is our neighbor? Everyone, even those who don’t look or act or think or believe like us.
Pastor Mindy’s reflections on radical hospitality and our German heritage
“Let us also be guided by the Spirit”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon “what does a life spent loving your neighbor and guided by the fruits of the Spirit look like?” For copyright reasons, the Carrie Newcomer video was cut from the audio recording. It can be found at