Sermons (Page 35)

Sermons (Page 35)

Signature Moments

On the next-to-last Sunday of our yearlong celebration of 200 years of Grace UCC in Lancaster, OH, we had the privilege of hearing from our two living former called pastors. The second of those was Rev. Bob Tussing, he was pastor of Grace UCC from 1987-2006. Here is Rev. Tussing’s message for the 200th Anniversary of Grace UCC.

Humility and Grace

For the next-to-last Sunday of our year long celebration of 200 years of Grace UCC in Lancaster, OH, we had the privilege of hearing from our 2 living former called pastors. The first was Rev. Ruth Farrell, pastor from 2008-2012. Here is Pastor Ruth’s message for the 200th Anniversary of Grace UCC.

Choose Wisely

Rev. Dr. Janine Wilson’s sermon for Stewardship Sunday. Our choices have meaning, we have a responsibility to consciously make those choices beyond our own selves to do the work of Jesus in our community and our world.

Serving God Over Wealth

Pastor Mindy’s reflection on on Luke 16:1-13 and on the partnership between the United Church of Christ in Ohio and the Evangelical Church of Westphalia in Germany. How do we serve God?  The video discussed at the beginning of the sermon was cut from the audio and can be found below.