Sermons (Page 28)
Abide, Joy, Friends, Love
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on John 15:9-17
“Abide in me as I abide in you”
Prune away the things that distract us from the Good News.
“I am the Good Shepherd”
Listen for the voice of Jesus.
We are Witnesses
Rev. Beth Long-Higgins from United Church Homes brings us the message that we have been chosen to attest to the Good News.
“Peace be with you”
Aren’t we all like Thomas? Doubt leads to questions that can lead to stronger faith.
“So they went out and fled from the tomb”
Alleluia!!! Christ is risen!
Like it or not, God loves us
Pastor Mindy’s message for One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday The video can be viewed here:
“Take these things out of here!”
Jesus clears the temple, he declares an end to the way things have always been done. God is now available to everyone!
What’s in a name?
The story of Abram and Sarai becoming Abraham and Sarah. Names have meaning.
“He was in the wilderness forty days”
Our hearts are shattered by the events in Parkland, FL. “How long will we be silent as children die?”