Sermons (Page 20)
The Thin Places
We have this moment between Epiphany and Lent where we are reminded that God is always with us.
The Golden Rule
The key to being holy and perfect in God’s eyes is to love. We are holy because we are in relationship with God.
Let your light shine
Enter to worship, depart to serve.
God Bless You
Be a blessing to the world and those around us.
God is not just calling us to do, but also to be. We are called to be children of God. Who are we inviting to this safe place?
The power of songs
When we sing together we become more aware of all the people of God. Find the truth in the words of the hymns.
Names have power
We are beloved by God and by one another. We are all unique, but we are all children of God.
Star gifts
Let’s try a new spiritual practice. Try to live into your star word.
Christmas Eve
God meets people, not in the temple or the sanctuary, but where they are, in the fields and the streets. Don’t let the nativity story become mundane, we share it every year to remind us to take the Good News back into the world and turn it upside down.
God is with us
“God with us” reminds us to be in community and in relationship with one another.