Sermons (Page 18)
“Loaves, Fishes, and Black-eyed Peas…or More than Enough”
There is always enough, if we allow God in.
There is ALWAYS Light
Even when things seem bleak, God is always with us.
Waking up
God is here where we are, attentive to our needs and worries.
Good Soil
Are we tending to God’s garden?
Invited to Rest in the Mess
Take a pause in your day-to-day life and use that time to get in touch with God.
How Long?
While we may be struggling during this difficult time, God is with us. And, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Discouraged Disciples
Even when we are discouraged, we need to continue to pursue a just world for all.
Unpacking Injustice
In light of the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests and during Pride month, we are called to confront injustice and share love.

Pentecost 2020
We are all in this together, justice for one is justice for all.