Sermons by Rev. Keith McDevitt (Page 5)
What happens when enough is not enough?
Walking on Water
Jesus is there for us during stormy weather if we will only believe.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Go Public Now
God’s call isn’t easy. We are called to speak out about injustice.
Who Am I?
God is community. God is love. God is us.
The Hands and Feet of God
The Holy Spirit moves among us as God calls us to be the hands and feet of God in the world.
New Life in Christ
We have moments when we act out, however God’s grace still prevails. Let the grace we receive be the grace we give.
Don’t Mess with Mom
Before there was life, there was labor. God, our mother, would do anything for each one of us. You are a labor of love, God has poured her love on each one.
Out of the Shallow End
We are not always in control. We cannot always stay in the shallow end, but we trade that for a deeper relationship with God.
What are You Doing?
Turn to the living God. Let us strive to be instruments of God’s love.