Sermons (Page 47)
The Creating God of Action
These words invite us into the realm of God who is active in the world today as in the time of the saints.
Filled with New Wine
You and I have got to discover the taste of new wine. Pastor Dennis’ sermon for Pentecost.
Recieving the Power!
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for Ascension Sunday. The PowerPoint slides Pastor Dennis talks about can be viewed here.
“If I only had the nerve” – Christian Courage and Kindness
“When Christians bluster and roar against the world, are we really being heard?” Keely Pearce’s sermon on 25 May.
Lead Me, Guide Me
The Rock Sunday. Jesus is the cornerstone. Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 18 May. You can see the video of the demo that Pastor Dennis did during his sermon can be seen below.
Gatekeeping Here and Now
“What is the task of Christians in the world: first of all, to recognize our gate, that Jesus is the gate”
Jesus, On the Road Again
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 4 May. Not a bad pattern to emulate: meet people where they are, open the scriptures, break bread, send them out.
Peace and Our Ressurected Jesus (Messiah)
“Peace be with you.” Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 27 Apr.
A Great Year for Easter
Christ is Risen!!! “Up from the grave He arose” “Easter is a celebration of a whole philosophy, a philosophy of living” Pastor Dennis’ Easter sermon. The audio was edited to remove the movie trailer, but the clip for the trailer can be found on YouTube at the link below. Trailer for the movie God’s Not Dead:
Between The Palm Sundays and Easters of Our Lives
Holy week is like our lives, it begins with the Great Parade, then turns to doom, but then offers a graceful moment called Easter and the Resurrection.