"temptation" Tagged Sermons
God Provides All We Need
When we have struggled or thought the world was against us, the promises of God continue to spill over. God is always here, grace can show up in the blink of an eye.
In the Wilderness, Again & Again
Even when we are tempted or feel alone, God never leaves us.

May we each do what is right for the good of all. Inspire those in power to take action that will result in justice for all people.

A Better Way
What might lead us astray if we aren’t careful? What elicits resistance within us? Most importantly, what is God calling us to do?
“and (he) was led by the Spirit in the wilderness”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for the first Sunday in Lent. We are on a journey, each one of ours is diferent, seeking the heart of God.
In the Beginning was the Garden
Adam and Eve were tempted with the apple, Jesus was tempted with bread, what is your big test? Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 9 March.

Temptation Does Not Mess Around: Consumed by Zeal
What does it mean to be the church in Fairfield County in 2013?

Temptation Does Not Mess Around
The temptation of Christ from Luke 4:1-13.