"grace" Tagged Sermons
A Reflection on the First Nowell
God will lead us to the Good News that is shalom on earth.
All the Saints
No matter who we are or what we have done, we belong to God. God’s grace makes us saints, or at least saints-in-training.
Are We Hypocrites?
Do we want to help others or are we unwilling to build relationships? Jesus invites us to walk a new walk.
Be Still
In the midst of all the busy-ness of the world. God is present if we give ourselves the opportunity to slow down and listen.
Accepting Gifts
God places gifts in front of us if we will just open our eyes.
When the Front Door is Blocked
Persistence and faith can only take us so far. Sometimes, we need someone to carry us.
For All the Saints
WE stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before.
There Has To Be A Better Way
What would happen if we designed the system with the last as first? Why is there a difference between fairness and justice? God leans toward justice.
What is the World Coming to?
The movement of the Spirit sometimes seems to be at a standstill. Is God stuck in traffic? Yet, the small blessings go unnoticed. In the colors of the leaves or the love of our family and friends, God does the unexpected.
The Greatest Commandment
Because we love God with all of our heart, soul, and might, God will help us overcome obstacles. How do we love God, right now?