"Christmas Eve" Tagged Sermons
Christmas Eve
Christ our Savior is born
Christmas Eve
God meets people, not in the temple or the sanctuary, but where they are, in the fields and the streets. Don’t let the nativity story become mundane, we share it every year to remind us to take the Good News back into the world and turn it upside down.
Christmas Eve
Don’t spend so much time keeping Christmas, that we forget to live Christmas.
Christmas Eve
Jesus Christ is born!
“Don’t be afraid … nothing is impossible with God”
Christmas Eve – Mary’s story.
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on the wonder of the birth of our Savior.
“Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people;”
Pastor Mindy’s Christmas Eve message.
Christmas Eve (2013)
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come.”

Christmas Eve (2012)
The entire Christmas Eve service.