Sermons by Rev. Keith McDevitt (Page 8)
Jesus wants us to welcome the questionable, the outcast, the marginalized. Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep, not for the 1, but for the 99 who are just as lost. “No one is free until all are free.”
God Will Lead Us
God is with you even when your feet touch the bottom of the lake.
Who is Worthy?
Jesus kept blurring boundaries to welcome the outcast, the different, the other. Do we? We can’t ignore the real problems in the world. We will experience a blessing which changes us for the better.
What a Covenant
A full life is one where everyone can live safely as God has made them.
You Can’t Take It With You
We may work hard, but we don’t do it all on our own. What if we recognized our interdependence? What if we we give back to the community that helped us get here. Say, “Thank you!”
What Goes on Inside
We don’t always know what goes on down where the Spirit meets the bone…
Follow Me
What must be done, the right thing, the just thing, is not always easy.
Following Lady Wisdom
Something has brought you here, to this moment. When you are surrounded by the storm, the Spirit was with you.
Keeping the Word
Jesus words always include action. We will keep putting the flag back up.
How is it with Your Soul?
God calls us to meet people where they are and care for them. “David took the lyre and Saul would feel better.” Can we be the instrument that those with mental health conditions need?