Sermons (Page 31)
Rally Day
Rituals and remembrance
“I will be with you”
Tom Brownfield delivers a message of justice and love
“You are the Messiah”
Pastor Mindy’s message of transformation and faith.
“Love is for real”
The video below was from Johanna Pearce’s presentation on CarePortal. Grace UCC has decided to participate in the program. The Care Portal – Long Version from The Global Orphan Project on Vimeo.
“do not be afraid”
In the aftermath of Charlottesville, Pastor Mindy talks about Jesus walking on water during the storm. We need to be about sharing the message of God’s love.
“And all ate and were satisfied”
Dr. Nirote’s message on the miracle of the “feeding of the 5000”
“Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes”
Pastor Mindy’s reflection on Psalm 119. How did you learn to love the scripture? How can we share that love in our community and the world? Apologies for the technical difficulties that resulted in the beginning of Pastor Mindy’s story getting cut off.
Forgotten, Forsaken, Restored
Rev. Gunnar Cerda’s message for Mental Health Awareness Sunday
General Synod 31
Jeff and Mindy share their thoughts on the 31st General Synod of the United Church of Christ which took place in Baltimore, MD, 30 June-4 July.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase”
Keeley Pearce’s reflection on the story of Abraham and Isaac. For copyright reasons, the audio from the video has been cut, but you can see it below.