"welcome" Tagged Sermons
We Can’t Look Away
God calls us to welcome the immigrant, the refugee. Jesus was an undocumented refugee as a child. We cannot look away.
There is Room
The story may not have changed, but we have. The world has changed and so there is new meaning to be had in this story. There may not have been room in the inn, but we need to make room for the marginalized, the excluded, the refugee, the victimized and we will find Jesus.
Jesus wants us to welcome the questionable, the outcast, the marginalized. Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep, not for the 1, but for the 99 who are just as lost. “No one is free until all are free.”
Who is Worthy?
Jesus kept blurring boundaries to welcome the outcast, the different, the other. Do we? We can’t ignore the real problems in the world. We will experience a blessing which changes us for the better.
A Love With No Boundaries
To love with our whole heart, means that sometimes our heart will break. But God doesn’t care, God loves us and welcomes us home. We have played each part in this story, let us play the part of the father and includes and celebrates the one who returns home.
When We Get Together… God is with Us
Fear can cause the message of God’s Love and Peace to be lost. Yet, God is with us, so we do not need to be afraid. God loves us.
Losing Focus
It isn’t about us, we are part of the world and are complicit in what happens. God calls us to do better.
The Power of the Tongue
Words have power, let us use them to bless.
Our Team
Jesus says all of humanity is “our team.”
How Long?
While we may be struggling during this difficult time, God is with us. And, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”