"call" Tagged Sermons

"call" Tagged Sermons

Faithful or Faithless

Martha was the good servant, doing what was needed. Mary sat and listened. Sitting with the word of God is important, too. What matters is not what we do, but how/why we do it.
many different types of salt

You are the Salt of the Earth

You have been called to enhance the goodness of God where you are. Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, instead ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do it. Christianity must be practiced in community.


God is not just calling us to do, but also to be. We are called to be children of God. Who are we inviting to this safe place?

Take Heart

Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Reformation Sunday as we kick off our year-long celebration of our 200th anniversary.  What is God calling us to do?  We can’t live in the past or stay in the present, we must look to the future.