Combined Forces! Christian Service and Membership Action Boards

Combined Forces! Christian Service and Membership Action Boards

During 2015, the Membership Action Board repeatedly discussed the need to evaluate the current makeup of boards as set forth by the GUCC Constitution.  Challenges related to burnout of members and friends continually serving on boards, difficulties in schedules, and changing work, school, and family commitments have provided an opportunity to reframe and refresh the way we do things.  At the same time, Christian Service Board members were also finding themselves having similar discussions and wanted to figure out a way to enhance their work.  After discussion in both boards and with Council, it was determined that Christian Service and Membership Action would join forces during 2016 to pilot this collaboration.  Neither board is full – there are vacancies on each for 2016.  But, a combined team of 9 have formed to do this work.  Each board will have a council representative but will share a chairperson and secretary.  In implementation, this means the boards will meet together and have identified projects and fellowship opportunities to support.   Some things will stay the same and some others may look a little different.  Souper Bowl Sunday, Easter Breakfast, Child Abuse Prevention Month activities in April, May recognitions for our high school and college graduates and the choir, Vespers and a Claypool harvest gathering in October, partnering with Maywood Mission and raising adoption awareness in November and supporting local needy elderly and families in December are just some of the activities and outreach planned.  We’ll feed the good folks working at the By-the-Way clinic and make shelter meals and we’re going to create an in-house membership directory.  There will be some surprises along the way as well.  We are not going to be afraid to try something and to learn from everything we do.  We want to bring Grace where we’re needed while also building fellowship opportunities and having fun!  We are energized by this combination of our time and talents and want to live into our mission statement in all we do:  Experiencing God’s grace, Seeking God’s mission, Sharing God’s Love . . .

The 2016 members of Christian Service include Kathie Will, Chris Claypool, Joyce Harvey and Carroll Daughtery.  The Membership Action Board members are Barb Claypool, Brian Foster, AJ Lacefield, Pam McCandlish and Johanna Pearce.  If you have questions or want to be involved, feel free to reach out to Johanna Pearce at or at 740-215-7959.