Pastor’s Column – Jan 2025

Pastor’s Column – Jan 2025

“Star” by nixternal is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Go Tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere.
Go tell it on the mountain,
that Jesus Christ is born!

It is difficult for me to read these words and not sing the melody in my head because joy bursts forth from the word “Go.” I can remember singing this hymn in children’s choir, and belting out the chorus as loud as I could, not caring whether I was overpowering the kids on my left or right. Our director said these words were for everyone to hear, and encouraged us to disturb the adult Sunday school class next door.

Go Tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere.
Go tell it on the mountain,
that Jesus Christ is born!

This song is the perfect segue from Christmas to Epiphany. Christmas is the destination that took weeks to travel to. We anticipated its arrival. We reflected on the moments in our lives where we too waited for healing and justice. We were impatient and longed for God to break in. When we finally got there on December 25 th , all we could do was give praise and thanks for the Christ child. But after 12 days of Christmas we have begun to float down to earth, and left to think about how God is made known through Jesus. God chose relationship over transcendent isolation. God chose to reveal Godself among vulnerable and marginalized communities. God became human to know what we, what you, are going through at this very moment. That is certainly worth shouting…

Go Tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere.
Go tell it on the mountain,
that Jesus Christ is born!

This hymn comes from an old African American spiritual sung by slaves held captive here in the United States. Stripped of dignity, history, family, rights, freedom, imagine the joy of singing this song which reminded slaves that God sought to liberate those under oppression. The Egyptians called the Israelites “slaves”, but God called them “chosen.” Through Christ, God has again said I am with you, I have chosen you, especially those most in need. Christ was born, and therefore hope could be found even in the darkest of places.

As we enter epiphany, what about God’s love through Jesus makes you want to go tell it on the mountain? What do you want to tell the world about Christ and the goodness of God? What do you need to hear shouted from the mountain to remind you that Christ is born? May you go into the world telling the good news that Jesus Christ is born!

Blessings for your journey,
Rev. Keith McDevitt